Holy Sugar!

“According to a USDA survey, the average American eats 82 grams of added sugars daily. That’s nearly 20 teaspoons a day, contributing an empty 317 calories.”

How many people you know, maybe even including yourself, consume sodas, baked goods, breakfast cereals, candy, fruit drinks, and sweetened milk products such as flavored yogurt? It’s more than a handful right? I am a very observant person and when I go anywhere such as a restaurant or even grocery shopping I always look at what people are buying. It’s sad to me that families are buying so many sugar filled products just because they are dirt cheap. Here’s the thing a lot of consumers are not aware of…. most packaged items at the store, if not all, have false health claims!! People are buying “organic” and “gluten free” when in reality most of those prepackaged items are not any better for you. Why? Check out the nutritional label and look at the sugar content yourself! Fructose is one of the sugars found in processed food and the body converts it to glucose to store. If our liver’s glucose stores are full, however, the fructose gets converted to body fat!! This can be avoided by simply not purchasing processed foods and sticking to a clean diet. Lean meats, veggies, fruits, legumes, nuts, and some dairy products I mentioned in previous posts will help you achieve a balanced diet and eliminate weight gain from excess sugar.

What’s the Goal? – Reduce sugar intake. Avoid buying things like fruit juices, candy, flavored yogurt, sodas, and sugary cereals just to name a few.

Challenge – It is hard at first because the sugar in your body actually makes you crave sweets so challenge yourself starting today and set a goal. For example: I will drink water instead of soda, juice, or iced tea with every meal. Try it! 

Hope this motivates everyone to live healthier lives and making smarter decisions with the food we eat.

Have a B-E-A-Utiful day!

❤ Tasha

Greens n Eggs

Hello Health Seekers!

Check out what I made for breakfast this morning!


– Egg beaters (source of protein)

– Asparagus (source of folate- a B vitamin that protects the heart by helping to reduce inflammation)-

– Avocado (source of cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fats aka “good fats”)

– Corn and whole wheat tortilla (good source of fiber and carbs to burn energy for the day ahead)

topped with your choice of salsa

(optional – Drink a glass of milk on the side. I drank unsweetened almond milk!)

mmmm yummy! =]

Healthy. Simple. Nutritious. Just the way I like it !

Enjoy! ❤ Tasha

MOO juice is bad for you… NOT!!!

Hey everyone !

If your into reading about nutrition or have followed diets then you have probably heard that dairy is fattening and carbs are bad. Okay… well yes carbs are bad if you have more than you burn. But guess what!? Cutting back on milk can actually backfire on you! How? Welp decreasing your intake can actually signal your body to make more fat cells! Don’t believe me?! Look it up in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. According to them, when you don;t have enough calcium in your body, it tries to hold on to what is already there. This triggers a compound called  calcitriol, which increases the production of fat cells. So what do you do to suppress fat cells? EAT EXTRA CALCIUM. This suppresses calcitriol, which breaks down fat and makes your fat cells leaner and as a result your tummy will be flatter. Remember what I talked about in my previous post through PORTION CONTROL! (It is recommended that women get 3 cups of low-fat dairy a day)

So enjoy your milk, yogurt, and a limited amount of cheese!

It will only get you closer to your goal =]

❤ Tasha

Healthy Dinner, with the benefits!

Hello Beautiful Readers!

So as you know (if you’ve been following) I changed my eating habits again and man o man do I feel better! I’ve been taking pictures of most of my meals and playing around with food ideas and I am finally posting to share with everyone some wonderful tasty dinner options that are not only healthy, but also easy! I’ll just post the ingredients I used, if you need details on the “how to” feel free to contact me and ask!


– Steamed Broccoli, Broccoli Slaw & Asparagus (seasoned with red pepper flakes)

– Medium firm tofu (cooked with a little bit of organic coconut oil, sesame oil, and 1 itty bitty tsp. of teriyaki sauce)


(Just to keep it brief these are a few benefits)

:::Asparagus::: Contains the most Folate of any vegetable.

1.) Helps rid body of the amino acid homocyteine, associated with cardiovascular disease.

2.) Contains vision- promoting vitamin A, kidney supporting potassium, and selenium.

3.) Excellent source of vitamin C and K.

4.)  Natural anti ager due to high levels of glutathione which minimizes skin damage from sun exposure , protects and repairs DNA, and promotes helathy cell replication

:::Broccoli::: Packed with antioxidants! Protects the heart, helps prevent strokes, and may even fight cancer and arthritis pain!

1.) Contain nitrogen compounds called indoles, which are effective in helping to prevent cancerous tumors of the stomach, prostate, and breasts

2.) High amounts of enzymes and nutrients, such as carotenoids

3.) Source of vitamin C, folate, riboflavin, potassium, and iron, making it a preventive powerhouse!!

4.) May also fight cataracts, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, ulcers, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.


1.) High in Protein!

2.) Contains Calcium and Iron

:::Organic Coconut Oil:::

1.) Contains on of the “good fats” that make up 50% of this oil – Lauric acid

2.) It is known to have anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial health-protecting properties

3.) Rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals

4.) Helps boost and regulate metabolism – excellent for weight loss

5.) There’s way more to list, but lastly is cell regeneration and helps protect body from disease

:::Sesame Oil:::

1.) Antioxidant Vitamin E which helps lower cholesterol levels

2.) Contains magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B6 (all these give different health benefits!)

3.) Contains a high percentage of polyunsaturated fats (omega-6 fatty acids) which are important to brain development (careful though, too much consumption creates an imbalance that may promote inflammation).

So there you have it! Easy ingredients to create a meal full of benefits!

Stay tuned for more meals =]

xoxo Tasha

ALWAYS make time for breakfast!

Hello again!

If you don’t know me very well then I should probably tell you that I always work! The majority of the time I have to get up early and lazy me never feels like making or eating breakfast. Tisk Tisk to those who skip breakfast! Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day and if you want to get in great shape and lose weight, then eat breakfast to jump start your metabolism! I usually go with Kashi cereal because it has everything I need – protein, fiber & whole grains! It also has no high fructose corn syrup which is awesome. Yet, lately I have been experimenting with different breakfast ideas and they were pretty good! I thought I would share them with my fellow bloggers =]

Organic Brown Rice with chopped Organic Spinach (leftovers I saved the night prior)

– 100% Eggs Whites (I get the liquid carton)

– Canadian Bacon

– Salsa of your choice

How To: I basically got creative and used my leftover brown rice and spinach and cooked egg whites, placed them on top with chopped up canadian bacon and finished it off with some salsa. mmm it was super bomb! You should try it because it offers so much for your body that just its taste. It has your eggs- which gives you protein and creates a feeling of fullness which is perfect for weight management, spinach – which contains vitamins and minerals that promote health from the inside out, and brown rice- which contains the antioxidant vitamin E, 5x the amount of fiber than white rice and it acts as a natural detoxifier. All in all its yummy and good for you so its a win win. Hope your guys try it out!

Toodles 😀

❤ Tasha


(The top picture is store- bought all-natural crepes and I filled it with Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt and topped it with Strawberries for a little treat!)